Monday, November 19, 2007

My current projects

I'm a performer. At school, I'm in the acting troupe and the choir. And every year, I try out for the musical. Freshman year it was The Wiz. Last year, Bugsy Malone. This year....we don't know yet! But we auditioned. I got in.
We do the musical during "Project Ex", which is pretty much 3 weeks in February where the entire school picks a subject and sticks with it. Project Ex, for me as a performer, is the mecca of "knitting downtime." Usually, I have supporting roles, so I sit and knit while not practicing. Last year I made dishcloths. Lots of them. Why? There are 2 reasons!
1. My boyfriend of a year had recently dumped me, so I needed some consistency in my life
2. My parents were re-doing the kitchen.

This year, after finding out that I'd made it, I thought of dancewear. Sure, I could wear my normal tees and sweats this year, too, but...3rd time is NOT the charm. So I decided to make myself 2 things.
Legwarmers (of my own creation) and this!

Yes. I'm excited. :)

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